September 27, 2010

overnight pancakes

Breakfast around here is either pretty sad or it's fantastic. Not much in-between. On the sad days it's leftovers, if there are any, maybe a container of natto, and maybe a cup of coffee. If we've got it together it's homemade bread with butter and plum jam, homemade stove-top granola and homemade yogurt, homemade English muffins or these pancakes, which we eat a few times a week, after we've run out of bread. You make the batter the night before and it rises in the fridge, so when you wake up all you have to do it heat up a pan and fry up your cakes. For me it's easier to get stuff like this done at night when my brain awake enough to measure ingredients, and the baby is usually asleep then too so I've got my hands free.

I like to use all whole wheat flour. The stuff Midori orders is much finer than any whole wheat flour I've had in the US. Sometimes if we've got leftover grains like brown rice, oatmeal, or buckwheat I'll throw it in for texture, plus whatever else I feel like, maybe raisins. The original recipe calls for milk, but I usually use water. I've even done it without eggs as well, it's a bit less tender but still works.

overnight pancakes

2 cups flour, white or wheat or a mix
1 tsp yeast
2 tablespoons sugar or honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 cups warm water or milk or watered-down yogurt
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil or melted butter (I just put in a glug)

Mix the dry ingredients in a container, then add the wet ingredients and mix until just combined, a few lumps are okay. Put on the lid and keep in the fridge overnight. In the morning stir it down and fry over medium-low heat, no higher, or else they will burn burn burn.


  1. And they ARE good, in the US too!

  2. I am going to make these tonight. I don't usually think about breakfast the night before, but you have inspired me.
